Routes in ASP.NET MVC

The routing enginge that ASP.NET MVC is quite powerful and allows mapping between an URL and the controller and controller action. The routing was originally released in ASP.NET 3.5 SP 1 but I suspect few use it with WebForms. You can easily add new routes and have multiple different routes.

As an example, let's assume we want to have a route where we easily can list various products and also a separate route for events that we offer during various dates. A good piece of advice by Scott Hanselman is to add a comment above your route to make it more clear what the expected route is which I normally do. All the routes are normally wired in the global.asax.

Our first route to display a subcategory will look like this: http://localhost/product/videogames/nintendo . The crafted route will look like this.

// http://localhost/product/category/subcategory
// http://localhost/product/videogames/nintendo
"Category", // Route name
"products/{category}/{subcategory}", // URL with parameters
controller = "Catalog", action = "Index", category = "Listed",
subcategory = "All Items"

We added defaults for the controller, action, category and subcategory but of course that is optional. Our controllers will accept the category and subcategory and act on it.

Our controller class will need to get the category and subcategory to be able to act on it. Our controller in this example looks like this:

public class CatalogController : Controller
// GET: /Catalog/

public ActionResult Index(string category, string subcategory)
ViewData["Message"] = string.Format("Category {0}, Subcategory{1}"
, category, subcategory);
return View();


In our next route, we want it to be displaying a specific event on a specific date and as an example it will look like this: http://localhost/events/2009/05/25 . We will craft it like this:

// http://localhost/events/year/month/day
// http://localhost/events/2009/05/25
"Event", // Route name
"events/{year}/{month}/{day}", // URL with parameters
controller = "Event",
action = "Index"

A corresponding controller that will be handling this request has to be able to handle the year, month and day:

public class EventController : Controller
// GET: /Event/

public ActionResult Index(string year, string month, string day)
ViewData["Message"] = string.Format("Event for mm {0} / dd {1} / yyyy {2}"
, month, day, year);
return View();


If you have many routes set up, it may be difficult to figure out why a route isn't being executed as expected. I hope most people by now are familiar with Phil Haack's excellent URL Routing Debugger.

If we try to hit our product URL by incorrectly specifying the URL http://localhost/product, the Routing Debugger shows that the expected route is not being routed correctly.

This can save a ton of time if you have many routes set up in the same project.

The one thing we're still missing is unit tests. We should have started with the unit tests but in this example we're showing the example in reverse order to make the routing mechanism more clear. The ASP.NET MVC framework supports many different unit test and mocking frameworks, I prefer the combination of NUnit and Moq but you can use any of the other supported .Net unit testing/mocking frameworks.

In order to test the routing mechanism, we need to be able to mock the HttpContext. I prefer to use the class MvcMockHelpersthat Scott Hanselman has blogged about instead of writing it from scratch. Our test case for the product route will be quite simple since the plumbing is already done:

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;

public class RouteTest
public void Test_If_Product_Route_Returns_Expected_Result()
RouteCollection routes = new RouteCollection();

var context = MvcMockHelpers.FakeHttpContext("~/products/videogames/nintendo");
RouteData routeData = routes.GetRouteData(context);

Assert.That(routeData.Values["category"].ToString() == "videogames");
Assert.That(routeData.Values["subcategory"].ToString() == "nintendo");
Assert.That(routeData.Values["controller"].ToString() == "Catalog");

We call the RegisterRoute method of the Global.asax to get the actual routes. After we get the fake HttpContext with our URL, we just need to verify if we see the expected result.

There are other ways to set up the routing with some of the other frameworks like MvcContrib which we will look at next time.

ASP.NET MVC - Post to controllers

When you first start out using the ASP.NET MVC framework, it might not be apparent the many different ways you can solve the same problem. One example of this is when you want to post form data from a view to a controller.

Most of the official examples when the ASP.NET MVC framework was in early preview showed how to use the HttpRequest object to gather the form data inside the controller.

public ActionResult Edit()
SalesOrderForm form = new SalesOrderForm();

string customerName = Request.Form["CustomerName"];
string address = Request.Form["CustomerAddress"];
string orderNumber = Request.Form["OrderNumber"];

return View(form);

In this way, you can use the Request object and pull the data out. I don't like to tie the controller directly to the HttpRequest object without any abstraction and I really dislike having use magic strings. It brings back not so fond memories of classical ASP for those that have used the Microsoft stack long enough. Thankfully, very few examples uses this way of gathering the form data.

An alternative way to pass the form data is to create an action method in the controller which will accept the values posted from the view. The view form fields must match the same names in the controller. A subset of our view shows the fields we are concerned with.

<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>


<%= Html.TextBox("CustomerName") %>

<%= Html.TextBox("Address") %>

<%= Html.TextBox("OrderNumber") %>

<% } %>

The controller action method must have matching variable names. The action method is pretty simple in our case and we just need the matching variable names.

public ActionResult Edit(string customerName, string address, string orderNumber)

string myCustomerName = customerName;
string myAddress = address;
string orderNumber = orderNumber;

// Persist the data into our repository

return View();

It's a pretty simple exercise to match them but quickly gets unruly if we have more than a handful of parameters we need to pass in. Thankfully, there are a few better ways to handle it. In the next scenario we will use the FormCollection object and use the MVC framework to map it to a view model.

public class SalesOrderForm
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string OrderNumber { get; set; }

public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection formCol)
SalesOrderForm form = new SalesOrderForm();


// Persist to our repository

return View(form);

Our action method only needs to accept the FormCollection object. We instantiate our view model object and call the UpdateModel method which is method of the base class System.Web.Mvc.Controller. Any controller class that you create using the Visual Studio MVC template is subclassed from it and have this method available. Through reflection, it converts between the properties and the form data passed in. This gives us a pretty clean way of mapping the form data to our view model.

There is an even cleaner way to map the form data to a view model.

public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Prefix = "")]SalesOrderForm salesForm)
// Persist to the repository

return View(salesForm);

By using the Bind attribute, the controller will attempt to match up the properties with the form data. I think this is the cleanest way to map between the view and the view model and this is the way I usually handle form data that is posted to the controllers.